Monday, December 8, 2008

[update] Mid-Exam result~

Well guys, Binusmaya has shown my result!!
But Algo's n Indonesian's score still, ugh, haven't be shown >___<

Here's my complete result: (minus algo + Ind)
English : 96
Discrete Math: 85 -->SAVE!!!!! pas2an dapet A nih...kyknya beneran deh switch gue yang bertransformasi jadi gate disalahin ;(
Linear Algebra: 100 -->kyknya si dosen ga ngeliat hasil akhir deh..*ato ga menyadari manipulasi jawaban gue??!* Who knows?
Intro IT: 88
Algo Practical: 89

I'm still waiting for REAL COMPLETE RESULT~
since today (Monday) is holiday, so maybe the result'll be out tomorrow ;)
I'll edit this post soon when the result's there :)


sai said...

wau! sugoiii!
memanipulasi??? hahahaha. soal pembuktian e???

Saharu_Rei said...

bukan la...
itu tu disuruh nyari invers matrix 3x3 pake caro yg namonyo OBE
paling saro tu caro. nah soal asliny b ck ini na (lupo2 inget):
9/11 a + b + 4/7 c = 20..
jadi kiro2 bntknyo pecahan a + pecahan b + pecahan c = puluhan!!
ado 3 persamaan n disuruh nyari nilai msg2 variabel pake caro matrix
nah aq pake OBE malah nyasar ke ribuan per ribuan
aq itung pake eliminasi dapetny ratusan per ratusan
laju aq manipulasi la itungan OBE aq biar samo angkonyo.wakaka